The Difference between Depression and Anxiety

Best natural anxiety remedy On the surface, the difference between depression and anxiety can seem difficult to determine. Both conditions affect sufferers on a neurological and emotional level and those who suffer from these conditions may even report experiencing similar symptoms. However, the difference between depression and anxiety is clear when evaluated from a medical standpoint. The major difference between these two conditions is that anxiety is a normal human emotion that is managed while depression is a disease that must be treated.

Determining the Difference between Depression and Anxiety in Your Life

It is possible to determine the difference between depression and anxiety in your own life by looking for a few symptoms. If you find yourself experiencing excessive sadness and lack of motivation for long periods of time, then you may be going through a depression. Depressed people are often lethargic due to fatigue and low mental energy. However, those suffering from a anxiety disorder tend to be more high strung, becoming excessively startled at the quietest of interruptions. Herein lies another major difference between depression and anxiety - one is marked by lethargy while the other is marked by excitability.

Understanding the Difference between Depression and Anxiety

Ascertaining the difference between depression and anxiety boils down to accurately understanding each condition. As a mood disorder, depression is actually considered to be less serious than anxiety which is categorized as a psychiatric disorder. Keep in mind, though, that both conditions can be extremely serious and detrimental if untreated. Anyone who is plagued with depression for a period of six weeks or longer will need to be treated with medication because they're experiencing a mood disorder. Hence, we have another major difference between depression and anxiety - one is a mood disorder and the other is a psychiatric disorder.

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